Destiny School of the Arts’ elementary program integrates academics and the arts to provide a well-balanced and comprehensive education for our students. Our elementary students focus on reading, math, science, and social studies in the morning while focusing on our enrichment classes each afternoon. Destiny’s enrichment classes include art, music, Spanish, technology, outdoor exploration, movement, drama, and life skills. At Destiny, teachers help students achieve their creative and intellectual potential by focusing on academic excellence through arts integration.
At Destiny School of the Arts, we have developed a unique curriculum scope and sequence to aid us in meeting all of our learning objectives. Our primary curriculum resource for both math and language arts is the Abeka curriculum. We chose Abeka because of its approach to build from the simple to the complex and frequent spiraling approach of introducing new material while consistently reviewing what was learned previously. Our teachers have found it to be both rigorous and effective.
Our primary resource for our science curriculum is FOSS (Full Option Science System), a research-based curriculum developed to help students learn and deeply think about scientific concepts through hands-on experimentation and analysis. Over the last 7 years, our teachers have developed our own social studies curriculum that harmonizes with the Virginia Standards of Learning and covers American history (from the 1400’s until present day), world geography, economics, historic figures, and good citizenship.
Formative and summative forms of assessment are utilized throughout the year. While we incorporate these assessments, we are not a “test-driven” school. Our curriculum focuses on collaboration, critical thinking, creativity, character, and communication, also known as the “5 C’s.” We believe these skills to be imperative and beneficial to students as they develop into 21st century citizens.
We also emphasize the importance of creating a culture of kindness, treating others the way we would like to be treated, and demonstrating Judeo-Christian principles, such as honesty, responsibility, and integrity.
We value teacher expertise, best practices, and quality resources. Teachers and administrative staff regularly collaborate to adapt and improve teaching methods and our curriculum. One important approach at Destiny School of the Arts is to teach across the curriculum. We strongly believe that our approach to instruction creates meaningful experiences that ultimately result in true learning for our students!
Every child has a creative side and most love to get their hands dirty! Our art program capitalizes on children’s natural creative impulses to develop works of art and simultaneously learn the fundamental elements, techniques, and history of art.
Creative Movement
Creative Movement in elementary school focuses on dance, athletics, and health. In one quarter, students may learn the basics of jazz dance, basketball, and the skeletal system.
Students learn music theory and history as they learn to sing and perform in choral ensembles, as well as play rhythm sticks, handbells, and recorders. In the 2nd grade, students are placed in either a piano or percussion track which they will remain in through the 5th grade. In addition, students in 3rd – 7th grade are given the opportunity to audition for our After-School Performance Club. This club features singers and band members that perform in the Leesburg parade and several other local venues.
Our drama class includes theater, etiquette, and public speaking components. Confidence is gleaned as students express themselves through this empowering and magical art form.
Additional Enrichment Classes
Spanish (beginning in kindergarten), technology (beginning in 2nd grade), and life skills and passion projects (beginning in 3rd Grade) are also important classes offered at Destiny School of the Arts. In addition to these program components, our teachers take students outside for lunch, recess, and outdoor exploration (a class wholly devoted to exploring the ecology and wonder of the outdoors).
Monday – Friday | Full Day, 8:15 A.M. – 3:15 P.M.
Coupling academics with performing arts, our elementary school program excels at stimulating and developing the imagination and critical thinking of our students.
Please contact for availability.
Students in Enrichment will be given the opportunity to explore and have fun with the arts at our beautiful, historic facility. Art and Exploration go hand in hand as students build and create using imagination and problem-solving strategies. Past projects include femo clay flatware, gourd birdhouses, and 3-D art using items found in nature. Outdoor play and snack time are also a part of each day.
Our After School Enrichment runs from 2:35 pm – 6:00 pm, Monday – Friday. We provide transportation from most Leesburg schools at no extra cost. Please contact the office regarding the availability of transportation.
Please contact for availability.
Join us for our upcoming Open House at 9 AM. Explore our campus, meet faculty, and learn about our academics and enrichment programs.
Our Open House event is a perfect opportunity for you to experience our school. Walk-ins are Welcome!